It is a sales job like a researcher

Yoshihiro Aizawa

Sendai Sales Office Sales Section/Joined in October 2018

Taking the total of my daily work for one week as 100%, 25 to 30% of my work is done in the laboratory.
In the testing room, we develop new products and conduct tests to propose products that are necessary and requested by customers. If I have good results, I will propose and demonstrate to the customer so that they can actually adopt and use it. I’m here.
It goes without saying that I am happy to have the products I made and the proposals I made adopted, but I also feel a great sense of accomplishment when things go smoothly. It is very rewarding to hear people say, “Yes.”

Weekday schedule

Morning assembly → Desk work (email confirmation/response)
Laboratory work (improvement test using sample soil received from the site)
Preparation of test report and proposal
Lunch break
On-site visit to report and demonstrate test results
Courtesy visits to customers near the site to be visited
Desk work (email confirmation/response)
Leaving office

My holiday

i have two sons. My eldest son’s recent boom is watching takeoffs and landings in a park near the airport.
My second son is 1 year old and seems to love his big brother, and since he started to walk, he has been walking around like a magnet.
Just looking at them up close gives me a good refreshment and energizes my work.